Dear Running Doc:
I am 47 years old. I have severe osteoarthritis in both knees and I
still run 40 miles per week. My knees constantly ache even though I do
physical therapy, home exercises and get regular Synvisc injections from
my Orthopaedic Surgeon.
This doctor says I should stop running and knee replacements are in my
future. I have read that PRP may be an alternative to this treatment
plan. Your thoughts? Mitchell G. Manhattan, NY.
Mitchell, thanks for this question. I am sorry to hear of your issues
but there is hope beyond what you are doing and it gives me an
opportunity to share the new research and excitement in regard to
osteoarthritic issues. For the purpose of this discussion we will only
talk about osteoarthritis and not the very different autoimmune
rheumatoid arthrititis.
Osteoarthritis is simply the wearing down of joint surfaces. The
surface becomes rough, cartilage frayed and decreased, and osteophytes
(pointed projections) form. All of this makes the joint painful.
Research has shown running does NOT cause this condition. Your parents
did (heredity)!
If your parents had osteoarthritis, chances are you will. In addition,
if you have had knee surgery to repair a cartilage tear and some
cartilage has been removed in the process, then an activity like running
could speed up the process by continuing the wear and tear of the
joint. Some patients do go on to knee replacement if the symptoms and
arthritic changes become severe enough. If your doctor has advised you
to stop running, he or she may be worried that your arthritic changes
are progressing too rapidly since running can progress the changes (not
cause them initially).
Up until recently, Synvisc injections were a reasonable stop gap to
help ameliorate pain in osteoarthritic patients. Synvisc is a viscous
thick liquid injected into the joint which acts like an oil lube-job. It
allows for smoother movement and less pain but is only temporary and
requires re-injection at intervals throughout the year. What it doesn't
do is heal the tissues involved. Some say it slows down progression but
others say is does not. Some say they can run with less pain if they get
these injections and some say it is a waste of time.
Good strengthening programs both at home and at physical therapy are
always good to take pressure off the joint but again are not a healing
process. They may however make you feel better and slow the progressive
process of osteoarthritis.
Mitchell, your reading is absolutely correct. Platelet-Rich Plasma
(PRP) injections do work by treating osteoarthritis by actually healing
and smoothing the joints. For the past two years I have had great
success in my office doing these procedures. Even though insurance
companies are still not covering these procedures, those that can afford
them are benefiting.
And more and more physicians are doing PRP injections for
osteoarthritis as well as soft tissue injuries, tenonititis, mucle and
tendon tears and cartilage tears since a Level 1, double blind study was
published recently (January 2013) in the peer reviewed journal called
the American Journal of Sports Medicine. The study, "Treatment with
Platelet-Rich Plasma is More Effective Than Placebo for Knee
Osteoarthritis: A prospective, double-blind, randomized trial," has
backed up what practitioners have been doing and has convinced those
skeptics of this treatment.
After doing this randomized trial where some got PRP and others got
saline (salt water) and the PRP patients showed statistically
significant improvement, the authors stated that platelet-rich plasma
has specific growth factors that are therapeutic proteins that can
indeed act in cartiledge repair and repair (healing) of osteoarthritic
A word of caution to those rushing to their local doc for PRP injections. Be sure to question which PRP kit/system they are using. This study showed that kits that separate lymphocyte white blood cells with the PRP to "activate" them are much more effective than those that don't. This "activation" makes the world of difference. I can tell you I have runners, tennis players, soccer players, footballers, baseball players, basketball players and weekend exercisers that are all swearing by this treatment. It is just too bad that it is only available now to those that can afford it.
So Mitchell, thanks for the question and I hope you can get this treatment for your arthritis.
Lewis G. Maharam, M.D.
A word of caution to those rushing to their local doc for PRP injections. Be sure to question which PRP kit/system they are using. This study showed that kits that separate lymphocyte white blood cells with the PRP to "activate" them are much more effective than those that don't. This "activation" makes the world of difference. I can tell you I have runners, tennis players, soccer players, footballers, baseball players, basketball players and weekend exercisers that are all swearing by this treatment. It is just too bad that it is only available now to those that can afford it.
So Mitchell, thanks for the question and I hope you can get this treatment for your arthritis.
Lewis G. Maharam, M.D.
Lewis G. Maharam is one of the world's most extensively credentialed
and well-known sports health experts. Better known as Running Doc™,
Maharam is author of Running Doc's Guide to Healthy Running and is past
medical director of the NYC Marathon and Rock 'n' Roll Marathon series.
He is medical director of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in
Training program. He is also past president of the New York Chapter of
the American College of Sports Medicine. Learn more at runningdoc.com.http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/more-sports/running-doc-suggests-prp-osteo-injuries-article-1.1286654?localLinksEnabled=false
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